Iowa Museum Week:  A Social Media event - always the second week of June.

June 9-13, 2025 (Monday-Friday)

June 8-12, 2026 (Monday-Friday)

Advocacy is the act of sharing information, whether with the public, elected officials or others. It is not lobbying.  Advocacy is an important duty.  By sharing with elected officials the issues that affect our institutions, we inform and educate them.  The Iowa Museum Association provides Iowa Museum Week annually as an opportunity for raising awareness of your institution, the many ways it engages and serves the community, and the issues that affect it.

Iowa Museum Week is held on social media platforms Facebook,  Instagram, and X.  The Iowa Museum Association makes graphics and other tools available to assist members in participating in Iowa Museum Week. The social media plan, hashtags, and other tools are updated annually prior to Iowa Museum Week.

Museums engaging in Iowa Museum Week on social media stand a chance to win a $100 sponsored Facebook post on the Iowa Museum Association’s page post-event, by simply incorporating #IowaMuseumWeek into their posts during June 10-16, 2024. This initiative encourages active participation in Iowa Museum Week while rewarding museums with increased exposure beyond the event’s duration.

Social Media Plan       #IowaMuseumWeek

Iowa Economic Impact
(Adobe PDF File)
Template Press Release
(Microsoft Word Document)


Participate in IOWA MUSEUM WEEK in any way you can, remembering that the purpose is to raise awareness of Iowa’s museums as educators, economic engines, stewards, community anchor institutions, cultural attractions, incentive for economic development, employers, and purchasers of goods and services. 

Use this opportunity in whatever manner works best for your museum.  Make sure that whatever you choose to do it is RELEVANT and MEANINGFUL to your community and that you GET THE WORD OUT.

Here are some ideas:

Social Media Blitz!

Update your website and online engagement opportunities.

Write to or invite your legislators to visit your museum

Extend your open hours and your accessibility

Write a letter to the editor thanking your community for their support and highlighting recent or upcoming events and exhibits.

Update your exterior signage - is it easily seen?  Are the correct hours of business stated?

Celebrate your volunteers!  Hold a volunteer appreciation event during Iowa Museum Week - be sure to alert the local media so they can cover the event and take photographs.

Highlight your heritage with a press release, a new publication, or community presentations.  Share with your community the history of your museum and how it contributes to the overall quality of life you all enjoy.

The American Alliance of Museums suggest that you "Invite Congress to Visit Your Museum" in order to show Congress how essential museums are to their communities.

1. Find out who represents you in Congress or the Iowa Legislature
2. Send a letter to invite them for a visit when safe to do so.
3. Call the local office to find the name of the scheduler and call or email to follow up.
4. Continue following up until a meeting can be set up at a future time.

Connect with us during Iowa Museum Week!